I am a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner. With a background in Health Science. I had my own Remedial Massage Therapy prior to finding Donna Eden and moving my focus to the energetic systems we all have.

As Einstein said “Everything is energy” and energy then takes form, as matter. This being the case my interest lies in discovering what energies are out of balance and causing havoc in our physical, emotional and mental bodies. From there the exciting work begins.

Thought and beliefs also being energy, plays a crucial role in our health. I believe it predisposes all imbalances that we experience. I offer a safe space to work through the layers to get to the cause of the blockages and through this insight I help to navigate a path back through healing to equilibrium. These changes allow life force to move dynamically to every cell, organ, and system in the body. When clients are open to exploring their energies that is when we can work in partnership to creating real lasting change.

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