These energy routines guide you through simple exercises to help balance energies. Whilst each routine will do many things I have listed what their primary use is. You can not overdo or hurt yourself with these routines so give it a try and note how you feel before and after. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me on. All of the following energy routines are the work of Donna Eden.

For more videos on how to self test, chakra clearing meditation and more go to my facebook page

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Four Thumps
To help ground, increase immune system and vitality.
Cross crawl
To assist in times of stress, overwhelm and illness. Support in clearing a busy mind.
Crown Pull
Alleviate stress, congested and foggy mind. Assist with headache relief.
Wayne Cook
Clarity of mind.
Diaphragm Breathe
Oxygenate the body. Increase metabolism.
Hook Up
Grounding and feeling centred.
Nuerolymphatic Points
Clear toxins.
Illeocecal Houston Valves
Helps with digestion.
Celtic Weave
Builds strength and resilience to external environment.
Connecting Heaven and Earth
Joint pain and grounding.
Belt flow
Lower back pain and digestion.
Allows energy to enter and exit of feet and hands.
Polarity Spooning feet.
Helps to feel grounded.
Darth Vadar Breathe
Zip up
Protection from toxic environment.
Nine Hearts
Radiance, resilience and joy.

Heaven rushing in