What does an Eden Energy Medicine session entail?

We can focus on any physical, emotional, mental or spiritual issues. Using energy testing, we assess where energies are not flowing. The way to clear these basic initial energies is usually done with breathing and movement exercises, many of which can be seen in the “Energy Routines” page on this website.

Once these preliminary energies are corrected and having gathered information where blockages may lie I will then create a personalised energy session to help balance the energies. At this point the client will move onto the table. The client remains fully clothed for the entire session. The work done on the table can at times resemble a massage, holding or tapping acupressure points or working in the bio field. The sensitivity of clients varies greatly with some feeling nothing to others feeling tingling or warmth. When the session is over most clients are relaxed and usually report feeling like they have lost time, having drifted in and out of sleep. The initial consultation can take up to 2 hours and thereafter all sessions are 80 minutes. To work on long standing issues, it is recommended to commit to 5-6 sessions.

It is important to note that in Eden Energy Medicine we do not diagnose nor treat a diagnosis. I will follow where the energy leads us, usually with the results being an alleviation of the symptom we are working on. For example, if a client presents with a mind that will not stop ruminating, the end result could be to feel calm and grounded. Or if a client presents with physical pain the result could be a reduction or complete alleviation of the pain.

Eden Energy Medicine is a partnership between client and practitioner and so it is encouraged that the client work with the self-care techniques at home in order to change the habits of the energies we have worked with. Depending on what came up in the session the client will be sent home with exercises to do. These are simple and take little time but can have a very powerful effect. It also helps us to move on in following sessions to deeper issues. I aim to self-empower the client in looking after their own health and wellbeing.

Distance healing session works the same as above. For more specific details regarding distance healing please go to that page.

If you are uncertain if this is the treatment for you feel free to email or call with any queries. I am happy to take the time to answer any questions.

Email me here